Monday, January 26, 2009

I cant wait for spring!

This weekend went by really fast. I went home and had to work but it was worth it. I finally got my car back now and it look brand new. Now its back to school and homework and walking to class in the freezing cold again. The snow was almost gone and i wake up this morning and the ground was covered again. Tonight we are going to get another one to three inches and then again the next night. I think its pretty at first but then its cold and i hate it. I cant wait for spring!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I cant believe tomorrow is already Friday. This week has gone by so fast. I keep forgetting to blog so I'm going to try to do better on that. I'm getting ready to start writing my paper for English class. Not sure about what I'm going to write about yet so i think I'm going to start doing that right now. =]