Friday, April 24, 2009


Summer is almost here! Ive been sick lately don't have time to be sick. I have so much to do with finals coming up. I have to work on my portfolio, write a paper for theatre about the Full Monty (which was amazingly great and hilarious), an anatomy practical on Monday, an Anatomy test on Tuesday, Biology piratical on Thursday, then all my finals. I'm just so ready for summer to be here, even though I'm just going to be working a lot but that doesn't bother me. I am going to North Caroline though at the beginning on June to visit my cousin and stay with her and her two kids. I will be staying with her for a week and then my parents and brothers will be driving up after a week and then we will be going to Myrtle beach for a week and my cousin and her two kids are coming with us. Then after we get back from vacation i will be back to work and having to take a history class online. So much to do in such little time!

Friday, April 17, 2009


This website created by Sarah Ponto, Kaitlin Misbach, and myself on firearms.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Class started with Sarah reading her log. Then we discussed different articles that we would possibly want to write about for the in class essay that is on Wednesday. Articles we talked about were about how ball state police are abusing their power, Tobacco tax is unfair to smokers, Darfur, and asteroid will hit the earth on Friday April 13th, 2009, and Death of newspapers?

We had an in class essay. We could either pick how ball state police are abusing their power or how more newspapers are moving their printed versions to online websites.

I wasn't there.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fridays free write

We have another in class free write today to talk about whatever we want. Right now i can not believe how cold it is outside. Then to think that Monday and Tuesday it is going to snow. It is April! It is suppose to be getting warmer outside, not colder. And to think that its cold here and right now my whole family (besides me!) is in Florida this past week. It sucks not having the same spring break as my brothers still in middle and high school. This weekend i have a lot to do. I have three different test coming up this next week. I have an anatomy test, sociology test, and microbiology test. I cant wait for summer to be here and get a long break from school and having to study and do a bunch of homework. Only 35 more days of school? I think. Actually i cant wait till i graduate and never have to go to school again but thats a long way away. I am not going home so i can stay here and get more studying done and i dont have to work which i kind of wish i was working though i dont know why.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Free Writing

Right now we are suppose to just start writing on here for twenty minutes. The starting idea was to write about one of the papers we are going to revise for our portfolio. I cant even think of the papers we have done this semester. The one that comes to mind is the last one that we did which was about firearms for me. It needs a lot of revision done to it. When i first wrote it i didn't really know what i wanted to write. There was just different ideas throughout the whole paper. As the paper went on i started to get more of an idea of what i wanted the paper to be about. I had saved writing the paper till the last minute and the paper shows that. I think i am going to focus more on the safety and how they are misused and what people can do to prevent that. There was a story about how a little boy found his dads gun and accidentally shot his sister or something like that and i want to use that in the paper and then tell how people need to be more careful. I should also state the laws they have right now about guns and if i agree or disagree with what the laws say or how i would change them to improve them and why.
But it is finally Friday and the next two days i can sleep in and do nothing. I do however have to study for all my anatomy. I have a test and a practical. I need to learn everything on the eye and the heart still and some of the ear and then go over the arm and leg nerves. It is so much to learn in such a little time. I really need to get good grades on both of these things. Im not going home this weekend so i should get a lot of studying done. I need to clean my room too, its kind of a mess. And i now do not know what else to write about but time is up.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring break is over but i still need another week off, the one week is never long enough. I did end up going to Florida though! I went to Orlando with my sister and my dad since he just got home. It was so nice. We went to universal and it was fun but the vacation wasn't long enough. When i got back i worked a lot to make some money. Now its back to school and i have an Anatomy practical on Monday and an Anatomy test on Tuesday. School sucks!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

is it spring break yet?

It is finally the weekend! My parents just came down and had dinner with me. It is really good that my dad is finally home. Spring break is next week and there is so much to do before it starts. I have three tests this coming week. Monday i have to take a sociology exam, Tuesday i am taking an anatomy exam, and Thursday i have a biology exam. I was going to go home this weekend since my dad just got home but i knew if i did i wouldn't study so i just stayed at the dorm. I just cant wait for a whole week off!